Hello!!! I’m Natalie
I am focused on igniting confidence and self worth into every person I meet and train with. Recognizing what our bodies are capable of goes beyond numbers and measurements. I’m working towards redefining what authentic health can look like, by making fitness welcoming to all bodies.
I specialize in beginner to intermediate fitness, including those with injuries or unique circumstances. My approach is geared towards making you feel welcome and comfortable in the gym, while pushing you to try exercises, equipment, and programs that might be new to you. Whether you love spinning and bootcamp classes, or have never picked up a weight before, you can expect workouts designed specifically for your body, goals, and abilities. Everyone is welcome.
I grew up as a classically trained ballerina. I loved dancing, but I hated my body, and my struggle with anxiety left me feeling constantly defeated. When I began working as a personal trainer, I realized I wasn't alone in this struggle. When I realized traditional fitness messages were contributing to negative body image, I changed my own approach to exercise to include body positivity and size-acceptance.
I have created a few tools to aid in my mission of eliminating body shaming in the fitness industry that include my first book, Every. Body. Beautiful, and a new interactive workshop “Body Positive Basics for Fitness Professionals”.
Through sharing my own battles with body image, I’ve found that I’m better able to serve others who are up against similar struggles. I can help you change your body if that's what you're after, and in addition, after participating in my programs, you’ll discover strength and positivity you didn't know you had.
My Youtube Channel offers workout videos for beginners & people who have little to no experience exercising, as well as my opinion pieces on body image and female empowerment.
I encourage you to comment, and reach out to me, because if you want to know something, there are probably a lot of other people wondering about the same thing!

"I had expected a lot from training with Natalie, and she has exceeded my every expectation" - Lia N.
Dottie G.
"Natalie's body-positive approach to personal training is both rare AND incredible and has helped me feel safe and comfortable reconnecting with my body again. As a plus-size person, she has always made me feel welcomed and not-judged. I can personally attest to Natalie being supportive and welcoming to people with larger/plus-sized bodies, LGBTQ+ people, disabled folks, and those of us with chronic illness/health conditions."
Armen N.
"I broke my ankle some years ago, and turned up laid up for some time. The doctor predicted that it would take me 3 or 4 months before I could get back to myself again. With regular training sessions with Natalie, I was back on my feet within four weeks."
Kyra W.
"Natalie has been INCREDIBLE to work with. I make significant improvements EVERY SINGLE week with her. I've been training with Barbell Blondie for almost 4 years now, and I'm so thankful the transition to Virtual Sessions has been easy. I continue to feel challenged during each workout, regardless of the equipment that I do or don't have at my disposal. Natalie's ability to build a program in any environment is NEXT LEVEL!”
Jacqueline S.
"Can’t say enough good things about my training with Natalie! We’ve increased my Tonal Strength Score by 37 points! Balance has been a real issue for me and Natalie has designed my workouts to improve that. While we work together virtually between California and New York, she is extremely responsive and helpful in her feedback. Natalie is a warm, wonderful person and is exceptionally good at what she does. I’d highly recommend to anyone looking to personalize their training!"
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