The reasons to stay committed to body positive fitness OUTWEIGH the reasons not to, and I’m not going anywhere.
Read MoreLife looks different as a mom, and your fitness can too.
Read MoreDiscover seven effective stretches for lower back pain relief in this quick guide.
Read MoreRecently, my gym shared an 8-year-old photo of me, spotlighting me as a coach. At first, seeing my younger, thinner self made me feel like an imposter.
Read MoreUh-oh! Something unexpected happened during your workout and your personal trainer isn’t available! Here’s what to do when fitness throws you a curve ball.
Read MoreFor you beginners out there, consider this your 101 Beginners Guide to Strength Training, from the ground up!
Read MoreI expect fitness equipment that I purchase to be something ALL bodies can use, compact enough to store in my home, and ready to travel; Verse met all of those requirements.
Read MoreIf a person is struggling in a workout, having a positive phrase that they can say to themselves can be really helpful to move forward and maintain workout consistency.
Read MoreAs a personal trainer and business owner, I knew the importance of staying connected, even while exploring. That's why I turned to virtual assistants for help.
Read MoreBack Pain affects the majority of adults as some point. Tips and tricks to help you get a pain-free back in no time!
Read MoreHere are some questions you should ask your personal fitness trainer to ensure that your workouts are effective and to ensure that you are getting the most out of your training.
Read MoreMany clients who come to me have a history with eating disorders. They want to participate in exercise for other reasons, but have a strong association of movement with losing weight,
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