I adore everything about the holidays (um, YES you can start selling christmas decorations in October), but I’ve noticed in the last few years that it’s also when my anxiety and depression are most likely to act up. This year, I’m focused on staying body positive and spreading peace unto mah-self.
Read MoreI LOVE me some Instagram, and what I love even more is when I find other San Francisco fitness professionals who are breaking the mold and making my day with their fitness inspired feeds.
Read MoreI generally only like real bananas, not fake banana flavor, but shake is a good one! It tastes like those banana and peanut butter sandwiches my mom used to make when there was nothing else in the house!
Read More“If you’re not using fitness to change how people look, then what are you using it for?” is a question I received recently. There’s a difference between Fitness and “Shapeness”, and while both are goals that will require you to push yourself, it’s important to understand which one you’re working towards.
Read MoreAt one point, I wanted to be a fitness model, so I was doing some photoshoots to build my portfolio. I want to share what happens behind the scenes leading up those perfect shots, because most of it is actually pretty unhealthy.
Read MoreIf you’re specifically looking to find a fitness professional that will guide you to get moving without pressuring you to change your appearance or body shame what you’re working with, this guide will help you out!
Read MoreI noticed recently that the fitness clothing companies I shop at don't carry clothes in sizes bigger than 12 for women. And then after doing some research, I realized that most fit apparel companies don't carry plus sizes, and it's even more rare to see a plus size fitness model posing in spandex and sports bras. So, what, big girls don't have the right to cute active wear? I protest! I protest in the name of women of all body types having access to quality clothes to exercise in! If you'd rather watch this in
Read MoreCrop tops are about Freedom with a capital F, which is what our country was founded on. It is your American duty to wear the clothes that you want to wear. No matter what size or weight or shape you are. No matter what color your skin or where you grew up. Wear that short shirt and be brave for the people who aren’t yet brave enough to bare.
Read MoreI feel like people must think I’m doing a lame workout, or that I could go harder or faster, or wondering why I always seem to be doing the same exercises over and over. The other people in the gym may or may not actually think this about me, because most of those judgements are in my head. But it does make me self-conscious at times. I’m judging myself based on standards I either hold myself to, or standards I think others believe in.
Read MoreI had a lady date to see Wonder Woman last night, and I loved every minute of it. But while watching the movie I kept thinking to myself, I wish Wonder Woman looked more like Serena Williams. I felt like any person who was strong enough to ward off bullets with her forearms, jump to the top floor of buildings, and punch through walls, should at least have some muscle mass, and let’s be real, Gal Gadot ain’t doing any powerlifting.
Read MoreI can’t think of a single vacation, trip, performance, or event since I was 15 that I hadn’t felt the pressure to lose weight beforehand. There have been so many instances where I told myself I needed to get “Bikini Ready” so that I could fully enjoy the experience I was planning on having. The focus is often on how we think we should look to impress other people. Finally, I was participating in an event that not only didn’t ask me to look perfect, but actually encouraged me to be comfortable baring it all with the body I have.
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